The Proof Finally Arrives

After far too many phone calls, bouts of thumb twiddling, soft curses under my breath directed towards a certain un-named (brown) delivery service, I finally got my proofs! And I am very happy to say that they look AWESOME.
This means I can call the manufacturer tomorrow and give them the thumbs up, and then the countdown begins to get the final shipment.
The picture here shows me (aka Proud Papa) holding up the proof sheets for the backs of the red and blue decks. If you've played with one of the prototypes you'll probably remember that the backs of the two decks in the box were either black or grey. No more black & grey, we're talking full blown 4 color printing here!
I have to say, I was worried that, when I got the proof I'd somehow be disappointed. Like, maybe the colors would be off, or the whole thing wouldn't feel bright or vibrant enough. Happily, everything looks amazing, and I think I can say that my expectations have been exceeded.
Again, I have to thank Joel Gendron for his great design work, it all looks beautiful. Thanks Joel!
More photos below.
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