Duple! Duple! Duple!

Howdy everyone!
We're obscenely pleased to announce the launch of our new game, Duple! Two letters, infinite fun!
If you are a fan of Anomia, and also like to play Scrabble, Bananagrams, and other nerdy-wordy games, then you'll LOOOOOVE Duple!
Duple is a quick-thinking game of symbol matching and word-finding. Players flip letter cards in turn until the symbols on two players' cards match. Matching players face-off by being the first to shout a word which contains the letters on both cards.
Sound easy? Think again! Correct answers must be at least 5 letters long and conform to ever-changing categories. Wild Cards and Cascades create unexpected face-offs and the All Play card gets everyone facing off a once!
Duple launched today at the 2012 American International Toy Fair. This is the biggest toy and game convention in the U.S. with over 1,000 exhibitors. Suffice to say there are A LOT of people, and even more STUFF. It simply boggles the mind. We enjoyed a great response to Duple all throughout the day. It's so exciting to be launching our second game at Toy Fair. Stay tuned for more updates on Duple and some exciting news about Anomia in the next few days.
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